Aspen Mora, Staff Writer
"I Wish I Had Acquired Wisdom At Less Of A Price." - Hosea Matthews
My name is Aspen, and I'm a sophomore. If you're reading this, then you probably read an article of mine, so thank you! Here's a little about me: my AirPods are basically a part of my body, I'm always listening to music, and my favorite artists are Cavetown, Arctic Monkeys, Wallows, and Chase Atlantic. I also spend a lot of my time listening to True Crime. My only other personality trait is dying for a Coca-Cola. I wish I was joking. I play lots of video games, I'm a transgender male, I'm always sleep-deprived, and I have a dog named Milo. He's my best friend. I'm also a very big Marvel fan.
Thanks for taking some time to learn about me! If you want to find me, I'm probably in Mrs. Ruggini's office or the art room.