Melanie Alcantara

The Manville Wrestlers brought home another banner for the second year in a row on Wednesday, January 23th, from a victorious match in Belvidere. The win (39-31) only adds to the incredible season they have had (20-5).

The Mustangs worked hard Wednesday evening until the very last second. Chris Moore, Brandon Flores, Gavin Potts, Alex Abarca, and Kyle Budd contributed to the win with pins. Shane Lallkissoon won in a 4-2 decision, as well as Jack Lombardino with a 6-2 decision. Richard Sonnenberg secured the win for the banner, winning by decision 4-2.

Losing seven seniors from the 2017-2018 season, the Manville Mustangs were thought to have a very challenging this season. However, right from the start, the Stangs proved the season was going to be a good one. They kicked off their season with a five win streak against Middlesex, North Plainfield, Becton, Boonton, and Highland Park. The Manville Mustangs continued their season beating tough opponents like Belvidere and North Plainfield. The Manville wrestlers brought home the banner this 2018-2019 season. Next up, regions.