Manville Students are Sleep-Deprived


Adon Datu

             The one reading this right now, if I asked you how tired you are in school what are the chances you’d say: “I’m always tired.” or “I never get enough sleep.” What if I told you that nearly 87.5% of ALL Manville students suffer from what you have? Sleep-deprivation. Now you might be thinking, “Wow! That’s such a huge number!

Why has nobody done anything about it?” Sadly, that’s where we fall short because the lack of sleep students get is caused by numerous factors.

             Homework. Ah no! It’s something we’re all familiar with and hate to the bottom of our hearts. Believe me, as soon as I hear the word I just want to hurl my book bag out the window. I’ve done research on the amount of homework we get daily and it turns out students get nearly 2-3 hours of work DAILY! That’s basically 2 or 3 extra periods of school AFTER school is over. Weekly? That’s 10-15 hours of work! Perspectively, we wouldn’t be able to relax until 5:00 PM or 6:00 PM. In fact, certain students will not do an assignment if it cannot be completed in 20-30 minutes. Not to mention, some of the seniors and juniors have part time jobs so that’s extra stress on their hands.
Deadlines. Students cannot manage to get hours of study in when their workload just piles up higher and higher. And what is a consequence of having a ton of work to do? We miss out on leisure activities! I’ve conducted a survey and the results were astounding. As awake as students may APPEAR to be… it turns out nearly 80% of every grade does not get the sufficient amount of sleep they need, that is, on a CONSISTENT basis. The benchmark for appropriate sleep is really 8.5-9 hours, however during all our lives in high school, we may have been told it’s at least 7 hours. Completely bogus if you ask me. Truth is, most teens begin to feel tired at 12:00 PM on wards.

Surprising? Not really. Our demand for more sleep has been ignored all our lives. Now here’s the best part… actual students and what they have to say about the amount of sleep they get! Below is a list of honorable mentions:


“I stay up late doing homework and wake up feeling like trash.” – Isabella

“Honor classes are so stressful. Too much homework.” – Mackenzie

“Some of the homework we get looks like it’ll take a long time to do so I don’t even bother.” – Anonymous


“I use my phone a lot and stay up late at night to do homework.” – Erika

“Who needs sleep when you can play video games or watch Netflix and Youtube?”
– Maricruz


“I feel that I need more time to sleep.” – Chris Vargas

“Insomnia. ♥” – Becky Drury

“Exhausted. I have to nap during study hall.” – Emme Vornlocker

“I still feel tired even after getting 9 hours of sleep.” – Gabi Lapinska


“I find it hard to balance work and school. I mean honestly, I’m always tired.” – Snehel

“Seniors are supposed to have less work but I’m still tired in school.” – Vinnie