How did the New Jersey Election go? And, who, is Phil Murphy?
Chris Christie had been the governor of the State for New Jersey from 2010 to 2018, and due to term-limits and such, a new governor for New Jersey was required. Primary elections took place on June 6, 2017, with Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey, Kim Guadagno, winning the Republican primary. New Jersey held a gubernatorial election on November 7, 2017, which held seven candidates. The most notable candidates being Phil Murphy, a Democrat, and Kim Guadagno, a Republican. Phil Murphy ultimately won the governor election and will be serving as head of state for New Jersey until his term ends in January 2022.
Murphy’s victory speech made it evident that he believed voters had sent a message that would influence beyond New Jersey.
“We will stand firm for New Jersey’s values, and push back against the mean winds blowing at us from Washington,” he told supporters in Asbury Park. “This is the first major election since Donald Trump was elected. Tonight, New Jersey sent an unmistakable message to the entire nation — we are better than this.”
Phil Murphy had been interested in politics and helping others before the election. He’s helped lead local charities to support troubled teens and domestic abuse survivors, and these groups have changed thousands of lives for the better. As the world faced the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression, Phil answered President Barack Obama’s call to service and became the U.S. Ambassador to Germany — Europe’s largest economy — after his confirmation by the U.S. Senate. Phil has also fought for opportunity, fairness, and justice through his involvement in the Democratic Party. He also served as Finance Chair of the Democratic National Committee, helping to elect Barack Obama. He also worked with Howard Dean on the fifty-state strategy that rebuilt the Democratic Party from the grassroots up.
During the election, he showed extreme dedication to winning the State of New Jersey Governor position. Democrats of New Jersey have rejoiced with the new Democratic Governor. During his campaign he promoted a liberal future for New Jersey, starting with a $15 minimum wage and vow to stand up to decisions in Washington D.C., some of which are not effective for New Jersey. Since he represents New Jersey as our governor, he plans on making New Jersey a better state and wishes to have it influence other states, in the near future. His overall demeanor and aspiring attitude will ultimately advance New Jersey into a greater state.