December’s Athlete of the Month!

For the month of December, Steve Purcell has earned the title of Athlete of the Month playing basketball. Being elected as Athlete of the Month made Steve feel accomplished, knowing that something he has been waiting for finally happened. It did not come as a surprise because he works hard to be the best he could possibly be. He puts a lot of dedication into basketball because he knows he is talented and can turn it into something great in the future.
When asked what his favorite memory associated with his sport is, he replied, “My favorite memory was my sophomore year, and my brother and I are on a fast break together, he dunks and we look at each other and give each other a high five.” Steve is only really involved with basketball here at MHS but he makes it a point to put a ton of time and effort into it. He is unsure of what exactly he wants to do in the future, but he does want to attend college and play basketball there. His stats are Junior year: 17 assists against Roselle Park, Career high: 19 points. Congratulations and best of luck to Steve Purcell!