May Student of the Month: Melanie Quesada
This school year has been exhausting for many, so it is important to highlight any accomplishment or achievement. For the month of May, the student of the month was Melanie Quesada!
She explains that, “It was such a big surprise and I was definitely not expecting it at all. When I saw my picture on the email I felt extremely happy and felt like all my hard work payed off.” For the past years, she has been trying to work extremely hard to improve her academics. Melanie communicated, “It has taken me lots of dedication and responsibility to be able to get the grades.”
Melanie is currently in the International Club at MHS and plans to go into the medicine fields after high school. Her dedication and work ethic will surely aid her with success for her future plans.
Melanie leaves us with saying, “I feel very honored and thankful with all the teachers that believe in my hard work and nominated me.” Congratulations, Melanie!