March Athlete of the Month: Ethan Burlew

Congratulations to the MHS Athlete of the Month for the month of March, Ethan Burlew. When asked how he felt about the title he expressed that he was “really surprised”, which depicts a strong sense of humbleness, something that is greatly admirable and sorely lacking within this generation. He goes on to say that he dedicates everything he has to his passion for athletics, a trait that will undeniably allow him to reach great lengths in his future. When asked what his favorite memory is from wrestling he states that it was “beating Shore last year”; way to go Ethan! Ethan is not only involved in wrestling at MHS, but additionally, he is a part of the track and cross country team. Quite a lot on his plate and yet he still gives it his all. After graduating, his plans are to enlist in the army and become a mechanic. We at MHS wish you the best, Ethan Burlew!