Are Gun Background Checks Really Necessary?
Guns are one of the most common weapons used for killings or to instill fear into other people, but there are also people who possess guns simply for recreation such as the shooting range and hunting, or simply for self protection. This topic has plenty of different thoughts and opinions from people, but this is not about whether people should have possession over firearms. This is solely about whether or not gun background checks are necessary.
To put it simply, gun background checks are necessary. There is a reason gun background checks have been record breaking in the month of March. This could be because of the mass shootings from schools, to stores, to neighborhoods, as well as the recent shift in politics. Firearms are obviously very powerful and can be very dangerous which is why people should have their history checked to see if they are responsible enough and sane enough to possess a gun.
Even though this is a topic that has been up for debate for years, more recently, now than ever, gun background checks are necessary.
I am a senior staff writer for Manville High school and I am very competitive. It doesn’t matter when or where, I hate to lose. Some things I enjoy are...
Mykola • Apr 26, 2021 at 12:01 am
This is misleading because it makes it seem like the US has barely any background checks. When in reality a NICS background check is required with a purchase of a firearm from an FFL. (Yes even at gun shows you would have to go through a background check). The US does have background checks and fairly rigorous ones at that. The FBI checks the person’s criminal and mental history. If background checks weren’t required we wouldn’t be seeing a record breaking numbers of background checks as mentioned in the article.
adviser • Apr 27, 2021 at 1:44 pm
We did make accurate edits to the title to prevent any misleading information. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, as well as the vast information in regards to background checks! Thanks!