Could Coronavirus Impact Halloween?


Elijah Lallkisoon

Coronavirus has taken over a large part of our lives, something we were told wouldn’t change much of our year, plagued over 2020. None of us were expecting something as widespread as coronavirus to hit our small town of Manville or even the surrounding towns, but alas it has. Now, will this change our Halloween, one of our town’s favorite holiday? Well, the answer is simple; it most likely will. 

States, cities, towns alike are shutting down Halloween, and Manville could be next. A night full of laughing, fun, costumes, and trick or treating, might be a night inside watching horror movies and eating candy you had to buy. Now, this isn’t something we were suspecting when schools closed all the way back in March; March and October seem so far apart yet it seems like we are in the exact same situation. 

Before you think that it’s safe to trick or treat no matter what, there have been a couple of kids over the summer who got exposed to COVID, as well a new case that happened to a student in Weston recently. It may not be safe yet and may not be for a while. 


Can’t We Just Social Distance?

While this might seem like a good solution to our current problem at hand, it probably won’t be effective. The idea of trick or treating is going up to someone’s porch and them handing you candy, many people would have gone up the same porch before and after you, and even if there is just a bowl with candy in it and no person, someone who has or had made with someone who has COVID could have coughed right before you went up to that porch, therefore, contaminating the candy or area. Plus if you trick or treat with your friends you have no idea who has been in contact with someone who has it. 

While we implemented six feet distance from everyone who isn’t in your germ pod, the actual distance some argue that you are supposed to be from someone is twenty feet. Also, there will always be people who will ignore social distancing which could cause a rise in cases in this town. 

Social Distance is really only effective if everyone wears a mask, and we already know some people do not like wearing masks and will ignore this protocol if Halloween is not shut down this year. Along with some people who don’t wear masks, we have people without proper masks that can continue the spread. This is of course due to the fact that the masks are in low supply and not everyone can get an effective mask. 


How Is Halloween Around The US?

While some places have not declared Halloween fully shut down, some places have, or some implemented procedures to continue this fan-favorite holiday. Some don’t think there is a chance of Manville shutting down for Halloween but Boundbrook, our rivals, have shut down Halloween and probably won’t reconsider. While New Hampshire has made times for trick or treating; and social distancing is a must. 

Plus you will see some states having rules/advice for Halloween. Some of these rules are no trick or treating, staying in, only spending time with your family, and in general not doing traditional Halloween activities. Now while this might seem like a yawn-fest and not a spooky-fest,  you can definitely make this fun and exciting. 

Things you can do for a fun-filled Halloween could be buying candy and making mystery treat bags and trade them with your family and or friends, baking Halloween treats, dressing up and doing at-home photoshoots, watching classic Halloween movies or horror movies/shows. You can even still decorate your house, walking around you can definitely see the houses who are still in the Halloween mood! Halloween is more than just trick or treating and this year should prove that. 


Stay safe and have a great Halloween!