Coronavirus: Are You Bored?


Fatima Diarra

As many may already be aware, the Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs) are going to continue through Spring Break. Virtual learning may allow students to learn at their own pace, but what about having fun and enjoying the warm weather coming in. For safety purposes, it is recommended that we distance ourselves from large events and crowds, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun in the process.

For those social butterflies who can’t stand not interacting with all their friends, fear not. There are ways to safely communicate with friends and have a good time. The obvious solution is to stay in touch with social media or cell phones. But there are other ways to communicate. For example, an email or letter may be a great way to stay in touch and try something new. It’s like having a penpal you can contact. Maybe you can also take this time to bond with your family more. Asking questions, talking, or having fun together can all be ways you can spend time with family. If large groups and instant communication is more your style, why not have a group call or play a multiplayer video game. These social platforms allow a large number of people to talk and enjoy time together while keeping a safe distance. 


If you’re missing human interaction….

  • Call someone or have a group call
  • Play multiplayer video games
  • Write letters or email
  • Text
  • Talk to your family, get to know them more


There are many ways to communicate, but what about when you miss doing activities at the park, or track, or gym. Just because we should limit our interactions does not mean we cannot go outside. There are so many things we can do outside while staying safe. If you have a backyard, going out for some fresh air or just to play a game with your siblings is a great alternative. If taking walks through town was a daily activity or you just wanted to start, picking a less crowded time of day or sticking to less populated streets will let you enjoy the outside while being careful. Maybe it’s not the best time to go out, but you still need fresh air. Then why not open some windows to let in the breeze. Going out into the world does mean you will instantly be infected, just practicing caution is enough to lessen risk. So go enjoy that vitamin D, then come back and wash your hands.


If you’re missing the outdoors….

  • Go into your backyard and play soccer, frisbee, exercise, yoga, just sit and relax, etc.
  • Stay in less populated areas (for walks)
  • Sit on your porch or front stoop
  • Open the windows
  • Take a drive


Sometimes interacting with lots of people is not enjoyable. Or the weather is not ideal to open the door. Some inside activities you can try are sure to keep you entertained. Catching up on YouTube, Netflix, or even TV shows can pass time. Having a family movie night can also be fun for the whole family. Grab some snacks, drinks, and comfy blankets to give the full experience. Activities don’t have to always involve screens, taking up a hobby can also pass the time. Maybe there was a hobby you were really into but didn’t have the time to continue. Now is a great chance to get back into it. Taking up drawing, building, baking, making your own game (online or physical), or even learning how to do a handstand are all things you can try. Even if it is wonderful outside, but you want to try something new, then maybe take up skateboarding, or learn how to fix a bike, or climb a tree. There are so many possibilities and things to get interested in it just takes a bit of thinking and creativity.


When you want some quiet time…

  • Binge-watch shows and movies
  • Family movie night (or day)
  • Take up a hobby (write a song, learn an instrument, make a house, etc.)
  • Learn a new skill (cooking, building and repair, how to change a tire, etc.)


There are so many things we can do while we aren’t commuting to school. Maybe you find a new passion during this time, or learn more about someone, or learn more about yourself. There is no reason to feel trapped in your own home because there are many things we can do to enjoy ourselves.