Shore Coaches Invitational Meet 


Pedro Cordova Martinez

Manville was one of the schools in the state of New Jersey that traveled to Holmdel Park to participate in the Shore Coaches Invitational on October 5th, 2019. The meet featured cross country runners from high schools in New Jersey competing in freshman, junior varsity and varsity, where freshmen students ran a distance of 3200 meters, while junior varsity (JV) and varsity runners complete a 5000-meter course.

Since the event, a large number of runners were included in each category; the event having the freshmen races that had more than 800 male runners, while the female portion included almost 400 runners. The male runners of the junior varsity team had more than 2,000 participants and the female category of the junior varsity team comprised just under 1,000 participants. The male varsity runners reached a little more than 1,500, while the female varsity runners covered more than 1,000.

According to Mile Solit New Jersey Manville had 16 runners who were 8 boys and 8 girls. Of which 2 girls were from the junior varsity team and the other 6 from the varsity team. While on the boy’s side, the 8 were on varsity. Also adding to that, according to the girls of the freshman team, Ashley Tomaszewski was ranked 97 out of 400 runners in the distance of 3,200, with a time of 20:59:00 and Anna Kontos was in the 119th out 1,000 runners  in the distance of 5000 meters with a time of 25:10: 00. On the boy’s side, Dylan Morris was placed in 85th place of 1,500 with the time 20:07:00. Overall, Manville cross country showed they could keep up and rank among other teams in NJ.