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The Student News Site of Manville High School


The Student News Site of Manville High School


The Student News Site of Manville High School


Dachi Darchiashvili

Hi my name is Dachi,

I am a freshman at Manville High School and I am 13 years old.When I was just a little kid I moved from Georgia, which is a country in Europe, when Iwas just two years old. I have been living in manville for almost 12 years now and I loveit here. A few of my many interests are aviation and I liked to go plane spotting. That iswhen you go to an airport or just look at the sky and watch different types of planes.Also, I enjoy running all around town, and I am on the MHS Cross Country team. Aswell as boxing, I really like to exercise in my free time, and play video games. I mainlyenjoy playing games such as GTA 5 online, ghost recon breakpoint, and ace combat.First, my favorite writing genre is when I am writing horror stories, because I am verygood at describing horror stories in detail. Also, fantasy is one of my most likedbecause I can let my imagination be free. Last but not least, my third favorite genre inwriting is historical fiction because I get to write about history from my own differenttypes of perspectives. Finally, I would like to join Hoofprints because I want to expandmy knowledge in writing, especially in journalism, and get better at writing in general.

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The Student News Site of Manville High School
Dachi Darchiashvili