The Chester House

The Chester House of Manville, a main street landmark for decades dating back to the earliest of 1959, is now being demolished for the new owners of Royal farms. The new owners, Royal farms,  is a privately owned chain of convenient stores operating more than 200 stores throughout Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and Virginia.

This welcoming bar has been around for generations with owners of sons, fathers, and grandfathers. With the new business coming into town, many people in the Manville community have mixed emotions towards this uprising.

The Chester House is most known for their low prices on liquors, beers, and food and especially for being one of the many bars located within Manville.  Within its walls the owner Tommy Trojanowski stated according to My Central Jersey, “Everyone who came through those doors are not just customers, but family.” Many memories surround this establishment and will forever be remembered.