Manville Seniors: Looking towards our futures
If there is one thing that I have learned about Manville high school seniors is that they are honest, outgoing, and passionate about their future. Overcoming many obstacles, seniors have a lot on their plate. Ranging from applying to college while juggling trying to keep up with school work, on top of social lives and jobs outside of school. Over the course of 4 years in high school, students tend to realize how important schooling and doing the assigned school work is.
Over the past week, asking students how they felt about graduating and how far they believed they came, was interesting within itself. Many students expressed that they were not ready to leave Manville high school. Mainly being because they have so much memories and friendships, as like most high school students do. But what was eye catching and what stood out from the rest of the statements was that even though the seniors are getting ready to move on in life, they are not ready to leave the small town of Manville. Even though Manville is only a 2 mile square town and can be limited on opportunities due to this, the seniors are not ready to leave behind what they know best. Students and soon to be adults are claiming they are not ready for “the real world.”
Hardships come and go and graduating from high school is a major stepping stone for the future, but what we as human beings always remember is where we all first started. Manville is our childhood and where we grew up. Graduation and moving on in the future is always a different picture in people’s minds, but we all know the one thing to be true; we appreciate everyone who got us there and pushed us to our limits to become the person we are today.