Manville High School Boys Basketball Team
It’s that time of year again, where a basketball either goes flying into the net, or right at your face! Manville Mustangs very own basketball team is fired up once again to start up the season. With high hopes of going farther than they did last season, the team is determined to do whatever is necessary to win!
Coach Brown had high expectations for the team this year. After a not so appealing record of last years season, he would ensure that each player is fit and motivated. Taking into account of past seasons, he believes his drills and practices is the training they need. As the regular season was approaching, their minds are concentrating on performing and winning to the best of their abilities.
The season was nothing less than a roller coaster. It was as if every win followed a loss. On the other hand, the Mustangs never showed any acts of weakness or backing down. Their games were also much more than thrilling to watch.
The starting lineup usually consisted of Nasir Peek, David Fabiyan, Issaiah Ruiz, and Jason Brennan. These unique players were truly a group to be on the watch for. Afterall, They worked hard to be starting 5 on the court.
As the season is coming to an end, the team is already looking for improvements for next years season. Just as the Mustangs expected, they achieved better results than last season with a current record of 6-14 with only 3 more games left. This has given a spring of hope to the coaches and players. Although, they might have not achieved all their goals, the team has every reason to be proud of their determination and hard work. #MustangNation