Taking Home the Gold; This Year’s Marching Band Season

Yiraldo Campos

Entering this year with new instructors, ideas, and a phenomenal show, the marching band was able to overcome any obstacle that came their way. Adding on new instructors such as, a new color guard instructor Kayla Marie and a new marching band’s co-director, Thomas Fett, new ideas for the marching were brought to the table.

This years marching band show,  Rise of the Phoenix, left the judges and audience with their jaws dropped to floor. Bringing new elements to the field, the show provided distinct emotions for each part of the show. Demonstrating these elements and new techniques during the competitions, the Manville High School Marching Band was awarded 1st place for four weeks in row! Along with placing first, the marching band was also rewarded ‘best percussion’ and ‘best visuals’ multiple times throughout the season.

The day of the band’s most important competition, the state championship, the marching band members were nervous and anxious for the big day and for a great reason; they were competing against schools twice the size of their own. Having such a small marching band comes with some big issues. One for example, is not having enough people to allow to have an assortment of instruments thus restricting what songs they can perform, unlike other big schools that have a larger participation. However, this did not hinder MHS Marching Band’s success. They practiced nonstop and improved the instrumentation they consisted of. All this effort paid off when they were rewarded group 1A finalist and placed 5th.

Along with the marching band’s success, the color guard was also rewarded, ‘best guard working’ in states under the category of 1A open.

Leaving states with a feeling of accomplishment, the marching band as a whole, came to a realization that all the placements and awards they achieved were a result of all the hard work they put into the show throughout the season. Tying the season up, I was able to discuss with Gabi Lapinska, a senior and a color guard captain, regarding her perspective of this season’s show, as well as her all around thoughts of the marching band as a whole. Lapinska stated, “I feel like we got way more motivated because our show was turning out so good and because the show was so sophisticated it pushed us to be even better.” When discussing about what Lapinska hopes to improve from this year, considering it was her last year because she is a senior, she suggested, “I just hope we get more kids to to join so we can make us even more of a threat.” Along with Gabi, the whole Marching Band hopes to recruit new members and come back next season with a bigger and a stronger band. As the marching band members would say, “Do Band!”