Why you should stop procrastinating right now

Steven Datu

Procrastination, the action of delaying or postponing something (usually for no valid reason). Procrastination plagues the masses, multitudes of people have or will have procrastinated in their life. It is a common occurrence and completely natural. However, that does not stop it from being something to avoid. When a person procrastinates, they purposely avoid doing work, chores, etc. Even common things such as taking out the rubbish have been procrastinated on by many people. Manville High School students are no different from the masses.

According to a survey, out of 40 people, 38 of them have admitted to procrastinating. Putting that into perspective, it is the equivalent of saying that out of every 20 students, 19 of them procrastinate from finishing their work.

“It’s not that I don’t want to do the work, but there is just so much other stuff that I can do. Plus, I have like a ton of time, so why do it now when I can do it later?” -Anonymous.

To put it simply, this is terrible. The multitude of students that procrastinate from doing their work are only putting pressure and unnecessary stress on themselves. Procrastination can be linked to other bad habits such as not sleeping enough, not doing the work entirely, etc. Although so many people procrastinate, many students seem to be achieving average, or even great, in their classes. This is because they know that they have to complete their work, so they do complete it. But, as a consequence of procrastinating, students lose precious sleeping time and time to actually enjoying themselves while not feeling guilty.

Many students fear deadlines, projects, homework assignments, etc. The amount of work that is given to a student varies, but when a student is given an abundant amount of work to complete, they are easily overwhelmed. Disinterest on these assignments cause the student to postpone completing it. What most people don’t seem to understand is that even if you postpone it for later, all they are doing, is having their future selves deal with the work which makes  procrastination totally pointless.

There are, of course, simple remedies that can help to stop procrastination. Simple things such as regulating yourself, dividing work into segments, creating a schedule, or even keeping a journal can help with stopping procrastination. Not just students, but the everyday common person should avoid procrastinating on work, whatever that work may be. If the work is assigned, then it is within the person’s prerogative to finish it.