On November 7, Season Four Part Two of Outer Banks was released on Netflix. This show follows a group of teenagers, the Pogues, on adventures to find lost treasures that were from old legends. In this season, specifically Part Two, we learn a lot of backstory on one of the main characters, JJ. Everything that is being told to the audience about JJ ties into their most recent mission: finding The Blue Crown. It was of interest to them because an old, rich man was willing to pay the group to find a necklace that was connected to the mystery of The Blue Crown. The Pogues became motivated when they read the legend and saw that the person who finds it would get one wish.
Part Two follows the Pogues’ expedition to Morocco to find the treasure. Along the way, they make unexpected allies and use a lot of teamwork. Of course, they ran into many unexpected challenges, which caused lots of tension.
The ending of the season can be described as shocking and upsetting. Many people have reported that it was extremely emotional and that it impacted them personally. The Outer Banks accounts on TikTok and Instagram are getting a lot of negative feedback from fans in the comments. Some have gone as far as to send the accounts direct messages. Commenters claim that they “won’t be watching Season 5” and that the writers have ruined the show.
Viewers are expressing that the ending was completely “unnecessary,” and that every event seemed forced and nothing like how the characters would have acted in the earlier seasons. Despite the negativity, the writers of Outer Banks have announced that there will be a Season 5 and that it will be the final season of the show. To help, the actors and actresses of the show have gone on to participate in interviews and explain that the events were planned since the very first season. For many people, this isn’t enough. Some believe that the actors/actress’ personal lives have gotten in the way of the show and are blaming the actors/actress’ significant others for the way things ended in the show.
This has caused an uproar on social media and has caused a negative reception of the new season and of the show. Because of how many people are refusing to watch Season 5 when it airs, the show will lose viewers and money.