Rumored as having the potential to be Game of the Year, DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO was loved by many. From the wide range of characters, to the many different ways to play the game, Sparking! ZERO had shown to be a unique game. However, the game had suddenly dropped in fame and fans. This drop was very unexpected, as the game had shown to grow into new heights that no other game has hit before. For instance, DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO had sold 3 million copies within 24 hours after its release. Numbers like these blew away many and made it clear that the game was going to be enormous. But, as said before, DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO suddenly decreased in players rapidly.
In order to understand the decline in people playing the game, you must first look at the downfall in general. To illustrate, the game had lost 90% of their players in under 4 weeks. Furthermore, at its all time peak, DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO had around 120,000 people playing the game. Now, the game averages at around 10,000 players, sometimes having even less. Even as these stats may seem ludicrous, they are shockingly real, and, with these low numbers, it is assumed that the game will keep declining in players, going lower and lower by the day. For a game like this to make such a sudden drop in players, there must have been a good reason.
So, why did the game have its downfall? This question has an abundance of answers. One of these answers, for example, can be due to the hype getting too high and then dying down. To explain, if a game has too much popularity, this could cause it to fall off after the hype dies down. This has happened with many games, like Multiversus and Mortal Kombat 1, as the game had an incredible amount of hype, but after the fame started to decrease, so did their player count. So, the high amounts of fame decreasing rapidly could be one of the main reasons why DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO lost nearly all of their players.
Another reason for the sudden fall-off could be a lot of complaints about unbalanced characters. To elucidate, some of the giants in the game were insanely broken. Adding on, some of the low cost characters were also broken and unfair to play against. One of these characters is Yajirobe, having a move that lets him heal all of his health back. As said by many, this character was annoying to play against, making many furious. Characters being unbalanced in video games usually leads to people leaving the game due the game creators taking too long to fix the issue. A big example of this is, once again, Multiversus. As a fighting game that was coming back for the first time in years, Multiversus had an incredible amount of potential. However, they would take too long to both add and fix characters. This is partially happening to DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO, as they are taking too long to fix the unbalanced characters. This big issue may have also led to nearly everyone leaving the game.
For a fighting game, DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO could’ve been one of the greatest games in its genre. With all of the cool characters and the many mechanics that people loved, such as the Sonic Sway, it had the most potential out of all of the recent games that fell off. People had been waiting years for a good Dragon Ball game to release, so the release of DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO had lots of people hyped and ready to play the game. However, due to all of the circumstances, especially the hype falling down and the unbalanced characters failing to be fixed, the game seemed to have just simply fell off, like most other fighting games that came out recently, including Mortal Kombat 1 and Multiversus. To recapitulate, attributable to the lack of fixes on unbalanced characters and its waning popularity, DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO had its player count diminish.