The highly popular Netflix show “Stranger Things” is set to drop its fifth and final season in 2025. November 6, “Stranger Things Day” (the day Will Byers, one main character of the show went missing from Hawkins, Indiana in 1983 during the first season), is a date every fan of the series eagerly awaits for every year, as Netflix usually drops teasers about the next season. This time, Netflix didn’t just announce the release but also the names of the episodes that would conclude the series. Last year was no different, as the writers dropped a snippet of the opening scene of season 5 episode 1 on November 6. The teaser dropped a few days ago and gave a sneak peek of what’s in store with the words, “In the fall of 1987,one last adventure begins,” with the names of the episodes revealed right after.
The episodes titles are: “The Crawl” (a name announced in 2022 on “Stranger Things Day”); “The Vanishing Of The _____,” not revealing much of who is going to disappear; “The Turnbow Trap”; ”Sorcerer”; “Shock Jock”; “Escape From Camazotz”; “The Bridge“; and the last title being “The Right Side Up,” appearing to the mirror the first season episode being titled, “The Upside down.” This potentially could be a resolution to the conflict within the alternate dimension central plot. This season will witness a one year-jump primarily to allow the characters to age naturally as season 4 featured events after March 1986. Despite the brief teaser confirming the final season would be coming in 2025, the streamer did not reveal when next year it would be debuting. The end of the season saw the Hawkins crew unite and defeat Vecna from corners and dimensions of the world.While they got the better of him but he did survive and went into hiding.
The group split up because of the different affect the villain Venca did to them as they looked down at their homes as the villain’s new chapter took its first steps. It also shows how Max (Sadie Sink) was left in a coma after being brutally injured by Vecna. This caused her to lose her to lose her eyesight, have multiple broken bones, and technically die for one minute before Eleven revives her. Sink has revealed that she will be running in some way in season 5 as of a recent variety cover story. Eddie Munson, a breakout star character in season 4, is currently dead, though Quinn did do an interview in a red carpet for A Quiet Place: Day One when the reporter suggested he might still be back in season 5 somehow.
Everyone who made it out of the fourth season was seen in the final episode will be seen in season 5. That means that we will be seeing Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven), Finn Wolfhard (Mike), Caleb McLaughlin (Lucas), Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin), Noah Schnapp (Will), Priah Ferguson (Erica), Natalia Dyer (Nancy), Charlie Heaton (Jonathan), Maya Hawke (Robin), Joe Keery (Steve), David Harbour (Hopper), and Winona Ryder (Joyce). As far as new cast members go, Nell Fisher, Jake Connelly, and Alex Breaux are joining the cast of Stranger Things 5 along with Linda Hamilton announcing that she would be joining the final season.