Manville Basketball Teams Host Senior Night 

The Manville Mustang boy’s and girl’s basketball teams played and honored their seniors recently. The boy’s team had their senior night on Wednesday, February 1st, and played against New Egypt High School. This year the Mustangs have five seniors which they honored. Their seniors include Eli Capone, Logan Klementovicz, Shawn Purcell, Lukas Rios, and Stefhan Ross.

The Manville Lady Mustangs held a senior day on Saturday, February 11th. Before the game began the team showed their appreciation for the seniors. They only have 2 seniors this year, Hannah Janes and Caitlin Brennan.  

Hannah Janes has been a part of the basketball team since her freshman year. Along with basketball, she played soccer in the fall and plans on finishing off her high school athletic career with softball in the spring. Hannah plans on attending Rowan University in the fall to study management. She hopes to have a career in sports-centered management. Hannah says that playing basketball at this level has definitely been challenging at times but the reward of winning and the bonds and friendships she made were worth it. She also points out that returning to the team each year was worth it. 

Just like Hannah, Caitlin Brennan has played basketball at the high school level since her freshman year. She also played varsity soccer since freshman year and does track and field in the spring. Caitlin intends on going to college and majoring in exercise science or psychology. She also plans on continuing her soccer career and playing at a higher level. Caitlin says that her team had many ups and downs that they had to fight through. However, those challenges made the team stronger and made her stronger. Her favorite memory actually happened this year when the team went on a five-game win streak. Caitlin says this season was a challenge in many ways and the team was finally able to fight and find ways to win.

The Lady Mustangs played against Henry Hudson Regional High School and were victorious. The game was tight however the Lady Mustangs pulled through and won 35-27! Sadie Fleming (9) led the scoring with 11 points, 19 rebounds, and four steals. Hannah Janes (12) joined in on the scoring with 10 points, 5 rebounds, and three steals. Valeria Fonseca (9), Valentina Barrios (11), Vanessa Thompson (11), Caitlin Brennan (12), and Hailey Bentz (10) also contributed to the well-earned win! 

This victory brought the Manville Lady Mustang’s record to 10-11 with only a few games left until states. Good luck Manville!