The New Physics Teacher, Ms. Moebius, is Out of This World

Is there a better feeling than knowing that there are new fantastic staff members at Manville High School? At MHS there is a variety of new staff, including a new science teacher who’s passionate about her degree and teaching her students. Ms. Moebius is a great person and teacher. Ms. Moebius “adores it” when she teaches her students and they actually learn something new.

Ms. Moebius originally majored in physics and then switched to physics education. She communicated that she had a teacher growing up who played a part in her choosing this path. Ms. M is also interested in space and is good at math. 

A positive experience she faced was one of her students said they felt comfortable with her, which made her feel great. She prides herself on when her students actually learn the material and have that “ah-ha” moment. 

With Ms. Moebius’s adjustment to MHS, she has struggled sometimes when she has to be more strict, however, she is still learning her teaching philosophy since it’s her first year. 

MHS is fortunate to have Ms. Moebius as she had the option of two job choices, but what really brought her here was the promise of her to teach astronomy eventually, plus she states it was closer to where she lived. 

Overall, we are glad to have Ms. Moebius as a part of MHS!