Manville’s Winter Festivities

With the temperature dropping and leaves falling off trees, you know that winter is around the corner. Staying inside while it’s cold can get boring so here are some festivities you can do while living in Manville.

As winter approaches, the snow will be coming down soon, so grab your sleds and snowboards because Weston School’s hills are about to be packed! Kids of all ages come here to sled. All the way to the right is the steepest point where most kids love to go down. Towards the middle is usually the place to have the most bumps. Kids pack snow on the trail to get some air time on their way down. Instead of being bundled up when it snows, this is a near and an exciting way to have some fun!

Another option is to watch Christmas movies at Reading Cinemas! Starting December 7th, they will be showing The Polar Express and Elf. When either watching a boy take an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole or a boy accidentally raised by Santa’s elves try to find his dad, these movies will for sure put you in the Christmas spirit! 

Since it is the giving season, The Municipal Alliance will be hosting a Mustang Giving Tree located in the Manville Library. By picking a tag on the Giving Tree, you’ll be able to sponsor and provide gifts for a family or child in need. All gifts should be dropped off at the Manville Library and the deadline for bringing in gifts is December 16th.

Lastly, you can join Santa for breakfast! Saturday, December 11th in the VFW Banquet Hall, kids of all ages can enjoy pancakes and sausages with Santa. He’ll be taking pictures with kids and families as well. Caricaturas will also be available by Steve Nyman. It’s free for all Manville residents!