Upcoming Clubs for the 2021-2022 School Year

Looking for a way to get more involved? Try joining one of the many clubs we have here at Manville High School! Joining a club is a great way to socialize and meet people with the same passions and interests. Not to mention, clubs look great on college applications and resumes! Here are some clubs our school has to offer:
Art Club: Ran by Mrs. Williams, this club works with other clubs to help with fundraising, decorations, and different visual exhibitions. Joining this club gives you the opportunity to work with mediums you haven’t used or don’t use in school. Another bonus is that Art Clubbers are guaranteed the trip for Teen Arts which is a festival in May held at RVCC where artists, writers, and musicians share their talent with the county. The schedule for this club is yet to be determined.
Newspaper Club: Managed by Ms. Levonaitis, this club interviews, reports, and writes about the news that is happening and impacting us at MHS. All work is uploaded to our online platform, Hoofprints. This club allows students to experiment with their writing and interviewing/communication skills. Newspaper club meets every other Thursday in room 9, right after school.
Digital Media Club: Directed by Mr.Michalski, this club allows students to gain experience in digital arts including graphic design, photography, and video production. One of the largest tasks of the year is to film and produce a video of the Manville High School play. By joining this club students can become well-rounded in the digital arts by building skills in the photo, video, and design while learning how to work in cool & creative groups. This club typically meets 2-3 times a month.
Yearbook Club: Ran by Mr. Kurzius, Yearbook Club is for students who wish to contribute to Valorem but are not enrolled in Yearbook Publishing. The student’s job is to conduct interviews or submit photos that document the who and what of the school year. The benefits of this club are journalism experience and having your work published in a book that will still be looked at decades from now! Meeting times are yet to be determined and are usually informal.
Speech and Debate Team: Administered by Mr. Forte, students can either choose to do speech or debate. Speech allows students to write their own speech or perform a rendition of a famous speech, quote, etc. On the other hand, debate students get a new topic every month/couple of months, to prepare a case on both sides of a topic. Speech focuses mainly on improving public speaking, improv, performance, and essay writing, while debate will improve their public speaking skills, argumentation, research, creativity. Both speech and debate do tournaments where they compete against other schools. Speech teams perform their speeches for judges and other students, and debate teams engage in structured debates with other schools in front of a judge. This club meets Thursday after school till 4pm.
A/V Club: Managed by Mr. Fett, A/V Club students learn how to operate the sound and lighting systems in the auditorium. The club is responsible for providing sound and lights for drama productions, concerts, and other after-school events. The club meets weekly and the day they meet is yet to be determined.
Other clubs not listed that are available for joining are: Concert Band, Drama Club, Environmental Club, International Club, GSA, Student Council, Book Club, and Technology/Robotics Club. More information about these clubs can be found here:
About the Contributor
Ana Yakobchuk, Staff Writer
Hello! My name is Ana Yakobchuk and I’m a sophomore here at Manville High School. I love music, art, sports, and spending time with friends. Catch me...