Digital Media Club Highlights Justin Chey: The Man on Stage & Behind the Scenes

Manville High School’s Digital Media Club has been making major strides, especially thanks to one key member, Justin Chey. The Digital Media club was established during the 2019-2020 school year and Justin has been apart of it from the start! Recently, the Digital Media Club filmed Manville High School’s play production of, High School Musical. 

The Digital Media Club members who helped film the play were Volker Tay, Czedric Datu, and Ryan Pankowski. Volker, Czedric, and Ryan are all new members to the club, but they learned the ropes quickly. The club also benefitted from additional help from Chris Garita who is a student in the Advanced Digital Photography class. Many of the club members were actually acting/ were apart of the play, so Chris stepped up to the challenge to fill in for some of the production spots.

With the play, Mama Mia, being taken away from the community last year due to the pandemic, the Digital Media Club wanted to create something extra special this year for the Mustang community. When they were given the word that High School Musical was the performance of choice, the team spent numerous meetings creating a production plan and envisioning the final product.

Thanks to the Drama and AV club, the Digital Media Club were able to coordinate a well rounded production plan consisting of up to 5 camera angles for HD video as well as crisp audio straight from the soundboard! The members of the DMC attended and filmed every night of the play (3), even studying the staff performance before opening night to be best prepared for filming. Justin Chey, not only acted in the play, singing, dancing, and dribbling, he also helped film it!  Mr. Jesse Michalski, the Club Advisor highlighted, “(Justin is a) really great leader and really passionate about the project through and through.” The pure dedication, time, and effort really showed in the final product.

Once filming was completed, the footage was handed over to Justin Chey, who is the chief editor of DMC, working countless hours to organize and edit the footage. Mr. Fett did the honors of mixing the audio file for the final product. According to Mr. Jesse Michalski, “The completed video will be unlike any video that has come from MHS. The quality is professional through & through and will bring you right back to your auditorium seat.”

This movie will NOT be available on YouTube or any other streaming platforms due to copyright laws, so get your copy while you can! The digital pre-orders are available for MHS’s production of High School Musical!

How to order:
Venmo $10 to @MHS-DMC. Add your first & last name as well as the email address receiving the HD file to the transaction description. Distribution will be the week of 6/14.

Check out the sneak preview!