WARNING: Class of 2021’s Bright Futures Ahead!

Allison Marin

Figuring out what to do after high school and deciding on where to go can be by far one of the most stressful tasks on one’s to-do list, but luckily most of our graduating seniors have got it checked off. In the past, seniors were lucky enough to not have to worry about navigating through a pandemic, however these seniors took on the challenge and made it to the end. Now that we’ve gotten through some of the hardest times, the seniors’ futures are looking even brighter. 

Alexis Abbott: Gap Year
Michael Adams: RVCC (Finance)
Yuliana Alfaro: FDU-Madison (Radiology)
Franciney Arevalo: RVCC (Interior Design)
Ashley Arreaga-Mata: RVCC (Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program Jointed with Rutgers or Environmental Science)
Kenneth Ashford-Afful: Rutgers University (Biology)
Matthew Balinski: RVCC
Joseph Bennett: Military/ National Guard
Jason Brennan: Stevens Institute of Technology (Chemical or General Engineering)
Ethan Burlew: Gap Year/Construction (Trade in Construction)
Joseph Cajilema: RVCC (Electrician)
Melani Campoverde: Kean University (Early Childhood Education)
Michael Cano: RVCC (Business)
Jennifer Carmona-Rincon: RVCC (Liberal Arts)
Justin Chey: Rutgers University- Honors College (Computer Science/Biology)
UTI Bloomfield (Automotive and Nascar)
Ryder Colucci: Gap Year
Sarah Colucci: Drew University (Undeclared; Social work or Law)
Holly Cornelson: University of Connecticut (Exercise Science/ Kinesiology)
Jonathan Cox: Gap Year
Emily Cruz: Workforce
Tahir Cutler: Workforce
Dominic Desanto: Fire Academy-Manville FD
Fatmia Diarra: Penn State Schreyer Honors College (Biochemistry)
Estefani Dolores Herrera: Workforce
Shawn Donovan: TCNJ (Exercise Science)
Evangelos Drake: Caldwell University (Health Science)
Emily Endara-Holguin: (RVCC)
David Fabiyan: Rutgers University (Industrial Engineering)
Alexis Feizi: Rutgers University (Cognitive Science or Developmental Psychology)
John Gamal: RVCC (Liberal Arts)
Cristal Garces Soares: Rutgers University (Nursing)
Destiny Garcia: Monmouth University (Health Promotion/Public Health Cluster)
Brandon Garcia: RVCC (Psychology)
Lesly Garita: Workforce (Restaurant/Salon/Psychology)
Maria Giraldo Baena: Rutgers University (Engineering/Mathematics; Aerospace Engineering)
Elene Gogshelidze: Rutgers University (Psychology)
Wilton Gomez: RVCC (Criminal Justice)
Dylan Granberg: Advanced Manufacturing (Workforce)
David Guerrero: Rutgers University (Electrical Engineering)
Edwin Gutierrez: New York University (Business)
Semaj Harrison: Gap Year/ Middle Earth Visions Program RVCC (Business)
Emma Heywood: Ramapo College (Nursing)
Aidan Hidalgo-Cruz: Rutgers University (Biology)
Ruben Hormaza: Montclair State University (Business Management)
Donald Hujber: RVCC (Auto Body Welding)
Trevor Huntley: RVCC
Melanie Ibarra: RVCC (Cosmetology)
Conor Johnston: University of Massachusetts Amherst Honors College (Psychology; Criminal/Law)
Vazha Jokhidze: RVCC (Architecture)
Quantavain Kelly: Plans to attend college
Nicholas Kownacki: RVCC
Mykola Kunderevych: Rutgers University (Chemical Engineering)
Owen Kurdyla: Military (Enlisted; Starting PT)
Matthew Kussman: Gap year (Improve his media/gaming presence)
Grace Lallkissoon: RVCC (Finance; Political Science)
Anthony Leotti: Workforce
Jack Lombardino: UTI Bloomfield (Automotive and Diesel Mechanic)
Dylan Lordi: Diver’s Academy International (Underwater Welding)
Gino Louis: RVCC (Computer Science, Data Science)
Miroslav Majernik: Gap Year (Real Estate)
Kendall Marin Araya: RVCC
Melanie Marin-Solis: Kean University
Anthony Mathis: RVCC (Psychology)
Aneta Matysek: The Midland School
Madison May: RVCC (Cosmetology)
Wayne McFadden: RVCC (vet Tech)
Leanisa Melendez: Bloomfield College (Psychology)
Clete Meyer: Centenary University (Business; plans to try out to walk on the baseball team)
Anna Miga: Rutgers University (Business)
Zackary Milich: University of Tampa (Business)
Michael Montanez: RVCC (Undeclared)
Christopher Moore: Kean University (Exercise Science/ Kinesiology)
Bianca Morales: Rutgers University (Public Relations)
Dylan Morris: Le Moyne College (Undeclared; Business or Computer Science)
M Mumber: Gap year
Alyssa Murray: Middle Earth Visions Program
Ana Ozuna Villalba: RVCC
Krystal Patanella: Workforce
Rebeca Priego: Caldwell University (Art Therapy)
Melanie Quesada: Flight Attendant
Helly Rana: Renesselaer Polytechnic Technology (Architecture)
Gregorio Riga: RVCC (Potentially Business)
Crystal Rios: RVCC
Enoc Rios: Plans to attend RVCC
Yuliana Rojas: Kean University
Bryan Rojas: RVCC (Psychology)
Jonathan Rompczyk: RVCC (Psychology)
Yekaterina Saburova: Rowan University (Biochemistry minor in Computer Science)
Jennifer Sagastume: Plans to attend college
Pedro Saladin: Plans to attend Rider University (Biology)
Angelina Sanchez: University of Delaware (Psychology)
Shane Sarathy: TCNJ (Computer Engineering)
Connor Schumacher: RVCC (Workforce Advanced Manufacturing)
Megan Shimp: University of New Hampshire (Undecided within the Science Department)
Megan Simko: Kean University (Speech Language Hearing Sciences)
Richard Sonnenberg: Work Force (Ken’s Pool Service)
Roxy Sonnenberg: Gap Year/Workforce (Plans to attend college to study Behavioral Analysis)
Ryan Sorocina: RVCC (Undecided)
Emily Swindell:  Gap Year (Working/Travel/Literature of Psychology)
Lana Tabatadze: RVCC
Emily Taylor: Rutgers University (Psychology)
Camryn Toth: Monmouth University (Early Child Education)
Dayanna Ugarte: Workforce (Pursue Fashion in NYC)
Christopher Wagner: RVCC (HVAC Program)
Michael Warmke: RVCC (Tech Field)
Robert Wiedwald: New Roads School of Somerset
John Wilczek: Trade School
Alina Yakobchuk: Continuing Education
Jesly Zuniga-Perez: Gap year
Jacquelyn Zuza: RVCC (Cosmetology or Psychology)

Congratulations to our class of 2021 who have worked hard through a global pandemic and made it through to the end with flying colors. Even though you will all move on to bigger and better things, you will always be a MANVILLE MUSTANG!