Future of Our Students: Where Class of 2021 Sees Themselves in 10 Years

Allison Marin

With the school year coming to an end and this being the end of a very interesting high school career for our seniors, many of us would love to know where the class of 2021 see themselves in 10 years. 

Many see themselves starting their career or making an impact in a positive way. Some have high hopes of living on the west coast and working as a neonatal nurse, others see themselves starting their own small business. Living in a small town, you learn a lot about the people you go to school with and you build a strong connection with your neighbors, this is something that a lot of students strongly appreciate about our community. Some feel that our tight knit community has caused them to grow a sense of loyalty towards everyone that a bigger city wouldn’t. Others are grateful for their friends and teachers that have helped them reach their dreams and goals. 

High school being only a short 4 years, many hope to make a lasting impact on their school. Manville High School has given many students the hope to make a positive impact in their next 10 years. Someone said they were unsure, which many of us can relate to, however another student said they hoped to make an impact through an involvement with progressive movements such as taking care of the environment and human rights. Likewise another student stated that their plan was to spread positivity all around while simultaneously educating their peers about racial, environmental, and class inequalities. 

Regardless of any obstacles or setbacks that might have caused a bump in the road, I think I can speak for our entire school when I say that we are super proud of our graduating class and are very excited to see what great things they will accomplish in the future.