Somerset County Wrestling Tourney
To begin, the Somerset county tourney was on January 11th 2020. There were 13 wrestlers per team that participated in it for the pre quarters. Pre quarters starts and 10 wrestlers on the Manville team won their pre quarter match. That is a big success for the team as 10 out of the 13 is a pretty good ratio of wrestlers winning their match.
After pre quarters, then quarters began and that took action at 11:53 PM. Only 4 wrestlers won their quarter match and went on to semi finals.
During the semi finals, there was consolation for a chance at a match for 3rd place. There were 6 wrestlers that competed in the consolation rounds. Afterwards, 1 wrestler won their semi final match and advanced to the finals. In the consolation 4 wrestlers won their consolation match to compete for 3rd place now. At the end, Ethan Burlew, Jack Lombardino, Alex Abarca all won 4th place and Brandon Flores with 3rd place. Finally the 1st place winner Shane Lallkissoon !