Students Have an Opportunity to Try Out Teen Arts

You might be asking, what is Teen Arts? Teen Arts is an opportunity for students to let out creativity and represent their town, with arts such as visual arts, band, choir, theatre, video, or creative writing. Students 13 and above are allowed to attend Teen Arts, but what do you have to do to attend it? Students must submit work and be approved by the advisor in Manville, Mrs. Williams.

The goal of Teen Arts hopes to achieve, stated by the advisor in an interview, “We hope to have artwork selected to move onto the next Exhibit. This exhibit takes place from June- September and is at the Cultural Heritage Commission Building.” Manville students also represent the town on the Teen Arts Festival Day, which is a day of workshops and performances of “THE ARTS,” which takes place at the college campus RVCC.

Teen Arts successfully achieved many accomplishments, as stated by the advisor once more, “Artwork has been selected for the Somerville Exhibit every year from both ABIS and MHS. Positive critiques have been given to our Music, Choir, Video, Fine Arts and Creative Writing students.” This shows the positivity gained from Teen Arts, and helps students express creativity in both their school, and themselves.