MHS Wrestlers: Questions Answered

During wrestling season, it’s hard to be around the MHS wrestlers after school hours due to the long and rigorous practice the wrestlers have. From practice, to cutting weight, to competing, the only good chance to be around the MHS wrestlers is under the spotlight at the Manville High School gymnasium. So I thought this would be a good opportunity to ask some questions to the MHS wrestlers so our community can get to know them better.

1.) “What’s the most overweight you’ve been the day before/of a match? How did you lose it?”

Alex Abarca: “ I’ve been over 9 pounds the day of (a tournament), Gorb (Coach Gorbatuk) fixed that problem fast…”

Me: “What did Gorb have you do when you lose the weight?”

Alex Abarca: “ I did about 20 minutes of stairs and then I sprinted down a hallway and once I got to the end (of the hallway)  do plyo’s (plyometrics).

Nick Colombaroni: “ My freshman year when I was wrestling 113 weighing in 120 before the day of the match, and I lost 4 pounds in practice then ran until I got under 113.”

Many overlook the grueling weight conscious aspect of wrestling season, showing the true dedication these athletes have.

2.)Do you have any pre-match rituals or superstitions?”

Nick Colombaroni: “ I have two pre-match rituals, I split a Snickers bar with Jack before every match and if I don’t we lose; and I listen to 21 savage before every match.”

Alex Abarca: “ I give Shane a bite of my sandwich, I sit across Shane on the bus in seat number 11, and I wear my lucky jacket.”


3.) The team recently got a spikeball game where they play it before matches or just to have fun, which of course prompted the question: Who’s the best spikeball player? 

Jack Lombardino: “ Roni (Nick Colombaroni).”

Nick Colombaroni: “Me.”


4.) Who’s the worst spikeball player?

Jack Lombardino: “ Shane.”

Nick Colombaroni: “Joey Wildgoose.”


5.) Which teammate are you closest to? What do you find most annoying about them?

Nick Colobaroni: “Has to be Jack, he’s been my closest teammate since Rec. and he’s annoying when he gets mad and we wrestle.”

Jack Lombardino: “ I’m probably closest with Roni and it’s annoying when he doesn’t show up to practice… But he’s been good lately.”

Alex Abarca: “ I’m closest with Shane. What’s most annoying about him is he ties his left shoe before his right shoe and he goes lace over (instead of lace under) and pull every individual lace.”

Now next time you see the Mustangs under the lights on a blue and gold mat, you’ll know some extra fun facts about some of them! Come support the Mustangs as they take on the Boonton Bombers this Friday, January 13th.