MHS Drama Club Presents Mamma Mia
January 9, 2020
Manville High School’s Drama Club Presents Mamma Mia! On an island in Greece, the premise of the musical follows Sophie Sheridan, played by Cami Toth, and her dream of a perfect wedding, which includes her father, of course. The problem is: she doesn’t know who her father is. After going through an old diary of her mother’s (Donna) from the 70s, as being played by Alyssa Rose Medina, she discovers she has three possible fathers. When all three men show up to the island, things don’t go as smoothly as imagined. Music teacher, Robert Longstreet, will direct the play, while choir teacher, Alexa Luccheese, and music teacher, Joe Espinera will overlook the musical aspect of the play. ABIS teachers will aid in aspects of the play as well. Elizabeth Jacques will be choreographing dance, Melissa Hammet will assisting with acting, and Brooke Beierschmitt, will be advising stage management. The musical will be performed the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th of April, and the cast and crew are excited to present the show!
Leslie Mercado • Mar 6, 2020 at 3:57 pm
Sooooo excited!