The Downfalls of Honor Roll

The Downfalls of Honor Roll

Honor roll is an achievement obtained by students who reach a certain academic point of success. When a student is excelling in a subject, sport, or in their overall grades, they get recognition on the honor roll system. Hard work and dedication are essential to earning this recognition each marking period. In most schools, a student can still earn regular Honor Roll if they earn all A’s and B’s with no more than one C. The student must have at least one “A” when accompanied with one “C” in their Grade Point Average. 

With these high standards in many schools today, the idea of gaining honor roll is heavily pressured. Students stay up to hours at end, draining their social lives to try and achieve it. This ideology has rendered students to revise their academic honesty. 

The article, How the Honor Roll Cheats Students and Divides Schools states, “More than 70 percent of college students today admit to having cheated as teenagers.” This demonstrates that when children feel these pressures, they feel they have no other choice and they turn to cheating in order to achieve honor roll. When these students are put under pressure to succeed, many rely on cheating, because they see it as the only way, even though it is wrong. 

It’s also important to be a good human being in general, because this will help our society to overcome problems that the world is facing today. A good person is truthful, they do not snatch others belongings, nor do they a step on other people to get ahead. A person who is content with what he/she has, and if they need more, he/she will work for it; they will not take shortcuts. This idea that getting high grades in deserving of honor roll may be hindering our societies success as a whole. Honor roll is preventing students to achieve humane goals.