The Terrifying Truth About McKamey Manor

Andrew Willis

Michelle Cordero

From “extreme haunted house” to “torture chamber,” Mckamey Manor has left several of its participants with extreme psychological problems and several injuries while experiencing their worst nightmare come to life. The creator has concocted this haunted house” for years in Tennessee. Before being accepted to enter the house, participants are required to take a physical exam, a background check, a phone screen, a 40 page waiver and a drug test to live through what is described as the most sinister experience of their lives. Russ Mckamey runs this twisted and as he quotes, “boot camp experience” at the back of his house where he raises his kids. In an interview with a youtube channel named “The Guardian,” asked why they thought their dad ran this haunted house, Mckamey’s three younger kids stated, “Cause he likes torturing people and he likes being tortured.”

Not only is Mckamey running this so called attraction at the back of his house, but he also offers people $20,000 if they are successful in completing his horror house. Many people that have gone through this experience state that it is impossible to get through the entire house because it might lead to your grave.

At the present moment, Mckamey states that a couple of years ago someone had a heart attack in his house, however besides that nobody has been notified dead. Mckamey has been accused of hiring employees with severe mental problems who also have a criminal record, to torture his incoming participants. Some survivors quote that they have a “safe word” which they are entitled to use when they reach their breaking point, however this does not assure participants that the scarers are going to stop since it has been stated in multiple occasions that even when the safe word is used, most scarers refuse to stop torturing the participant.

Mckamey himself decides what the challenges that each individual participant is going to encounter. He designs each specific challenge based on the participants worst fears and brings them to life.  A common one being water, insects, and the dark. Russ Mckamey also documents each participants experience. His haunted house has attracted the eye of many people in the world, so many that they debuted it on a recent show that aired on Netflix called “Dark Tourist” on episode 8. There are also many youtube videos in which you can observe what goes on behind closed doors. Mckamey has an agreement with the police, in which he notifies them every time he is going to run a show.  A petition has been signed by multiple people who claim Mckamey Manor is runned by a “psychopath in disguise” and they want Mckamey Manor to be shut down. Several of its participants have come out and testified their experience and how it now affects their life. Mckamey Manor has encountered various accusations throughout the years, all of them have been denied by Russ Mckamey. Nobody is sure of what truly goes on inside Mckamey Manor when the cameras are shut down, or of what goes on inside Russ Mckamey’s mind; but there are certain things that people are to be notified before entering the terrifying “haunted house.”