MHS: 2 Senior Cheer Captains For 2019 Season
At Manville high school, there are many sports with captains, including cheer. Recently, these captains highlighted their life goals and what being cheer captain is all about. Manville high school’s cheer captains are Greycee Urena and Nia Hunter!
Nia expressed why she even started doing cheer, “It was my first year at a whole new school with new people. I wanted to do a sport that I knew I was good at. I’ve been cheering since 4th grade and it was an opportunity to meet new people.”
Throughout the years, cheer has been evolving at Manville high school. Nia expressed, “When I first started cheer my freshman year, the practice process was completely different. We did simple stunts and redid cheers over and over. Now we have grown as a team, with different coaches that raised their expectations for us and always want us to try new things and make our own traditions.”
Along with these rising expectations, comes the idea of competing in cheer competitions. MHS cheerleaders are rising to this occasion. Nia stated, “Knowing competition is around the corner pushes me to encourage all the girls on my team to keep working hard at practice because those girls are getting better each day.”
In regards to game days, the cheerleading team uses them as practice to get ready for competition. Greycee, the other cheer captain excitedly expressed, “Usually before a game, I get ready with some of the girls on the team and we just get ourselves excited.”
Throughout high school, Greycee explained what her goals are in life and in cheer. “My goals in cheer are to hit every stunt and do good at competition. My goal in life is to become a teacher.”
Greycee also voiced what makes a team successful to her, “The most important things to make a team successful is definitely communication and how close the bond is. The team isn’t going to work out if you can’t tell someone something no matter good or bad.”
Overall, the 2019 cheer captains are excited for the upcoming season, seizing every opportunity to enhance their skills and show how much the team has grown.