Manville High School Students Welcomed Back with New and Improved Facilities

Looking at the exterior of Manville High School, very little has changed since the student body left for summer break in June 2019. Inside, however, is a different story. Renovations have been made throughout the school. 

These renovations include a complete revamp of the auditorium. The wooden seats were replaced by brand new, cushioned ones. A new drop-down screen and projector were added. The addition that is most celebrated by students and staff alike is certainly the air conditioning, a much needed addition for those packed assemblies. 

In fact, the auditorium has already been put to use multiple times since the beginning of September. The district-wide teacher orientation was held there, all four grades have had their class meetings already, and the Board of Education met there for their meeting this past Tuesday. 


Another one of the more visually noticeable additions is in the media center. A glass divider makes the library seem more like a college student center, making it a place for both study and recreation. Many of the books are gone, showing the prevalence of technology in education throughout Manville High School. A prevalence that is verified by the goal of giving each student a chromebook sometime in the next few months. But, renovations were not made solely to improve education and the arts. The gymnasium was fitted with a new floor as well as six new backboards.   

All these new additions and refurbishments can be directly attributed to an increase in the amount of state aid given to the entire Manville School District starting earlier this year. With this yearly stipend growing, the future looks bright for Manville High School.