The Captains of Cross Country
The amount of dedication that the students put into their fall sports is absolutely astonishing; many of these sports start way before even school does. These kids give up part of their summer to follow through with the sport of their choosing. Cross country is a sport where you need to push yourself physically and mentally. Those in the cross country team are constantly pushing themselves to be the best runners they can be! Mr. McCarrick and Mr. Caldwell this year assigned the roles of captains to four outstanding students: Stacey Hernandez, Megan Shimp, Logan Chaya, and Diego Mendoza.
These captains all share the same commitment and put a great deal of their time and effort to improve and excel in running. The part of being a captain that is quite difficult is that one might not always have everyone agree with your choice, but Logan expressed, “I have the experience to lead the team successfully.” Not only is he enthusiastic about XC, but he has the confidence to lead the team as well. When asked, Do you feel like you are going to fulfill the part of being a captain? Stacey replied,“I feel like I don’t completely fulfill the role of being captain, but girls co-captain Megan Shimp helps fill in the gaps that I am missing.” Although Stacey was given the big title, she still remains humble.
The captains are always stating that they “Love the team” (Shimp) and that they “Enjoy being with the team,”(Mendoza). One can immediately tell that this is a group of people that appreciate one another and are relatively close. The captains don’t always necessarily like the actual running part of cross country but they do push themselves to reach their full potential and to be the best role models for the rest of the team.