Incoming Freshmen Do’s and Dont’s

Incoming Freshmen Do’s and Dont’s

The class of 2023 has yet to start their high school experience. As a Freshman, it is easy to get lost while figuring out high school, getting to meet your new teachers and making new friends outside your grade level. This is a guide for Freshman to help ease the transition between middle school and high school and make it a lot simpler, smoother, and enjoyable. Here are the Do’s and Don’ts for the Freshman class of 2019. 




Focus on your grades-Hand in your work in time; most of your teachers are not going to accept late work. If your work is late, it is a zero and you do not want zero’s in your gradebook! You need to pass all of your classes in order to graduate high school. 


Get involved- Participate in your classes. Join a club or a sport, do class competitions, go to games and show school spirit. This will help you make friends and meet new people, which will make your high school experience  more pleasant. 


Help others- If you see someone struggling with their work, or to make friends, or to take control over something and you are able to help them, do it. Even if you don’t know them, it is always good to help other people and at the end of the day they will appreciate it. 




Avoid Procrastination- Stop procrastinating. If a teacher gives you time to do an assignment, do it as soon as possible and get the assignment over with. By not doing your work, you are only adding unnecessary stress and it will not help you in the long run. 

Disrespect common spaces- Whether it is the bathroom, the hallway or a classroom. Clean up after yourself. Nobody deserves, (nor do they want) to be in a place where there is trash everywhere and it smells bad. It is not polite to leave a mess and act as if it did not happen. This shows that you do not respect your teachers, classmates or yourself. 


Skip class- It is important to be in class everyday and to pay attention. Skipping class is not going to help you pass high school. Every lesson matters. It also plays a part on respecting your teachers. Worry about your education, you will have plenty of time to relax after high school. 


High school may not always be easy but it will be over soon. Enjoy these four years, focus and learn. Good luck.